In 1999 at Edgbaston and 2003 at Durban, Gary Kirsten witnessed twice on field the great tragedies involving a tie; first in a World Cup semi-final and latter at home by Duckworth Lewis method. On both occasions it was a knock out punch for him and for the team in particular. This time around it wasn't his country. He is part of the Indian set up and can say eloquently that Bangalore tie was a bitter-sweet experience unlike the tied matches of 1999 and 2003.
On a personal front, I am happy about watching my first World Cup game in Bangalore and see Tendulkar making a wonderful hundred. The scene was set for an Indian victory before England started their batting. The way England went about their innings I felt India did not deserve to win. It is an assessment I make; Indian bowling line up was not up to the mark and it was evident during the match.
From the time England took their batting power play till the last ball of the match, Indians showed intent unlike the first 41 overs and was thoroughly backed up by the crowd. Hang on, "We dont deserve to lose either, what a fight back" - I wondered . It reached the final ball and I never once thought we would lose and in the end I strongly believe tie was a fair result. It would have been a heart break for English team if they were to lose and a heart break to all the Indian fans and mostly the crowd at the stadium if India would have lost. I was thrilled to see the optimism of the junta in the stadium and deservingly they can all look back at this match with great pride. Crowd plays a big role in India winning close matches at home and today I got to witness the same and also be a part with a contribution.
India is a nation of billion people and majority of them have few lines and opinions about cricket. I am one among the billion people and I feel privileged to have seen this match and also be part of a tie match. If's and but's could have had us winning the match but there is always a flip side which a patriot and a zealot ignores or say chooses not to see. I take the result without analyzing too much into the result and hope Indian bowling puts up more disciplined show in the future matches.
It was an instinctive decision to go with my cousin on 23rd of this month; wait for the entire night inside a car at Cubbon Park, chatting with him and few friends, running to stand in the queue, being happy when the ticket counter was few meters away from the place we stood, getting suffocated and frustrated after having to wait another five hours and seeing policemen buying tickets for themselves. My cousin and I decided to get out of the line, protested with the police, gave interviews in the media about how difficult it is to get a ticket even when you are few meters away from the counter. Finally I was pleased to get the ticket in the end after all the drama.This little incident gave us the celebrity status as we appeared on papers the next day.
Looking back, I must say it was a hard earned ticket and I feel as though I am part of something that I look upon someday in the future and would be glad narrating all those experiences starting with ticketing and culminating with the end result of the match.